The Complete Escape Room Laser Grid System For Heist & Game Applications
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This complete laser grid set comes complete with 16x lasers, 4x sensor boards (4x sensors on each board), one wireless button box, one timer, one processor board, one loud siren, 16x adjustable laser mounts, 4x laser power regulator boards (Four lasers per board), one LED button, two AC-DC power adapters, 1x loud siren, 5x 1.5m USB connector cables, 8x adjustable swivel mirrors, and two wireless key-fobs with extra batteries! The best part is that EVERYTHING COMES CONNECTED AND READY TO BE MOUNTED!
Are you looking to create an escape room that includes an AWESOME and large scale laser grid? Are you perhaps looking to create a bank heist escape room? Do you wish to create a laser grid game for your entertainment center? If so, then this set might just be for you! Industrial laser grid systems cost anywhere from $20k to $50k. This set costs only a fraction of that cost, and comes with everything you need! we provide the electronics, and you make it your own. The above video shows two full demonstrations of the current game programs that we provide. We can also customise a system that is perfect for your application. Just send us your questions through our contact page, and we'll get back to you immediately!
The system in the above video features the following:
1) All lasers are turned on and off by the main controller board. All lasers and regulator boards comes cabled together, and connected to the main controller board. The lasers are powered by one of the two included AC-DC wall adapters that come connected to the main board. The lasers each extend from their relative regulator board by about 3/4 of a meter. Each regulator board that acts to power four lasers, are daisy changed 1.5 meters away from one another.
2) Wireless Control - Each game is started by pressing the red button on the wireless controller box that is to be mounted at the entry area to your escape room. This set also comes with two wireless key-fobs that act to manually start or end a game by the game master. Extra key-fob batteries are also included!
3) Two games! The game you choose is decided once during power up by either tapping the red LED button on the main board, or by pressing and holding said button for 2 seconds. The main game is a time trial game. Each time you break a laser beam, time is deducted from the timer. If time runs out, the siren blares, and then the game audio tells you that you've lost the game. If you make it to the end without time running out, the system freezes your end-game time, and tells you that you've won! The secondary game is much more difficult. If you break the laser only once, you've lost the game. We can customise the game times to suit your needs. We can also completely redesign the software to suit your application for a reasonable fee. Alternately, we can also add in extra hardware, such as RFID readers, combination keypads, and other such electronic interfaces.
4) The sensor boards each have four sensors on each of them. Each sensor reacts not to how much light is on the sensor, but rather when a sudden change in light occurs. This means that you don't need to use all of the sensors. You can use however many you'd like! Each sensor board is daisy chained to one another starting from the main processor board via 1.5 meter long USB cables.
Please take the time to watch the above video for a complete demonstration. Consider how you'd like for your system to operate, and then send us a message through our contact page with your questions and requirements. We will get back to you promptly with a detailed response to your questions, concerns, and requirements. We will also offer you a lead time, as this set is fully assembled and tested in house.
Thank you for taking an interest in our wares! We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you looking to create an escape room that includes an AWESOME and large scale laser grid? Are you perhaps looking to create a bank heist escape room? Do you wish to create a laser grid game for your entertainment center? If so, then this set might just be for you! Industrial laser grid systems cost anywhere from $20k to $50k. This set costs only a fraction of that cost, and comes with everything you need! we provide the electronics, and you make it your own. The above video shows two full demonstrations of the current game programs that we provide. We can also customise a system that is perfect for your application. Just send us your questions through our contact page, and we'll get back to you immediately!
The system in the above video features the following:
1) All lasers are turned on and off by the main controller board. All lasers and regulator boards comes cabled together, and connected to the main controller board. The lasers are powered by one of the two included AC-DC wall adapters that come connected to the main board. The lasers each extend from their relative regulator board by about 3/4 of a meter. Each regulator board that acts to power four lasers, are daisy changed 1.5 meters away from one another.
2) Wireless Control - Each game is started by pressing the red button on the wireless controller box that is to be mounted at the entry area to your escape room. This set also comes with two wireless key-fobs that act to manually start or end a game by the game master. Extra key-fob batteries are also included!
3) Two games! The game you choose is decided once during power up by either tapping the red LED button on the main board, or by pressing and holding said button for 2 seconds. The main game is a time trial game. Each time you break a laser beam, time is deducted from the timer. If time runs out, the siren blares, and then the game audio tells you that you've lost the game. If you make it to the end without time running out, the system freezes your end-game time, and tells you that you've won! The secondary game is much more difficult. If you break the laser only once, you've lost the game. We can customise the game times to suit your needs. We can also completely redesign the software to suit your application for a reasonable fee. Alternately, we can also add in extra hardware, such as RFID readers, combination keypads, and other such electronic interfaces.
4) The sensor boards each have four sensors on each of them. Each sensor reacts not to how much light is on the sensor, but rather when a sudden change in light occurs. This means that you don't need to use all of the sensors. You can use however many you'd like! Each sensor board is daisy chained to one another starting from the main processor board via 1.5 meter long USB cables.
Please take the time to watch the above video for a complete demonstration. Consider how you'd like for your system to operate, and then send us a message through our contact page with your questions and requirements. We will get back to you promptly with a detailed response to your questions, concerns, and requirements. We will also offer you a lead time, as this set is fully assembled and tested in house.
Thank you for taking an interest in our wares! We look forward to hearing from you!